
Testimonials from users of ICES technology from other resellers

Different brands, different markets, different levels of user support, same great technology inside


                                             Alleva-Wave (Equine)             We Heal Animals (Equine)

                                             Pet Healing Alternative           WE heal Animals

                                             We Help Plus                             Pulse-Pet

                                             SomaPulse P2a Model


Please check our resellers web pages to learn about their other products and services to help you heal your pet
Pulse-Pet LLC specializes in sales directly to veterinary health care professionals in the USA.
We do not sell directly to consumers for human use.
Micro-Pulse LLC and Pet-Pulse LLC make no claims or representations for fitness of use of any ICES(TM) technology for human use.  ICES(TM) DigiCeutical(R) technology has NOT been FDA approved for human use for any condition, and is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease in humans.