Brief Biography

Brief Biography- Dr. Stacey Ravid RN, MSN, CNS, PhD

Dr. Stacey Ravid RN, MSN, CNS, PhD had an extraordinary nursing career, spanning over twenty-five years. Dr. Ravid is currently employed as adjunct faculty at Christine E. Lynne College of Nursing, teaching pharmacology to nursing students. Her dissertation research focused on pulsed electro-magnetic fields for pain relief: Solutions for the Opioid Epidemic- Use of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields, the Micro-Pulse, for Pain Relief.

Dr. Ravid began her nursing career at Northside Hospital in Atlanta Georgia, working at this renowned institution for twelve years. For most of her career, she worked as an Emergency, Intensive Care Unit & Hospice nurse. In addition, she gained experience in a wide range of nursing disciplines as she was utilized on multiple nursing units. She worked as a Geriatric Care Manager and was responsible for the care of 62 elderly patients. Also, she supervised 90 certified nursing assistants (CNA’s) creating curriculums and teaching courses to them related to the care of geriatric patients.

Dr. Ravid embarked on a path of holistic health at the young age of twelve. Since that time, she has been studying with experts and completing many courses including the immune system, healing foods, homeopathy, medicinal Herbs, detoxification techniques, ozone therapy, touch therapies, wise women’s wellness, and cellular regeneration, among others.

Dr. Ravid has studied holistic healing in various countries around the world. While in India, she trained with an expert practitioner in Aruvedic medicine. In Asheville, N.C., she studied immune system healing. Dr. Ravid teaches and is very knowledgeable about the topic of pharmacology. She strongly believes in the benefits of allopathic (traditional) and alternative healing modalities.

Dr. Ravid has received the following honors in nursing & other arenas: 2018-Esther Saylor Rothenberger Award- Florida Atlantic University, 2016-2017 -Presidential Award- Florida Atlantic University, 2011- Graduate of High Distinction- Liberty University, 1999- Northside Hospital Excellent Service Award, 1986-President of the Student Council, 1991-1992- Dean’s List and 1983-High School Valedictorian.

As Dr. Stacey Ravid pursues a long and fulfilling career in the healing arts, she hopes to continue research that will have a positive impact on the health and well-being of many individuals.